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Abel heavily modifies Lua environment and replaces some of the Lua's standard library with its own implementation for great isolation and concurrency. It also removes "unsafe" functions to prevent potential sandbox escaping.

Some part of the Lua standard library is removed:

  • rawget and rawset: force metatable to be followed
  • string.dump: provides access to function bytecode
  • load and loadfile: access to filesystem
  • debug: violates memory safety model
  • os: environment and file system access
  • package: reimplemented and moved to internal table
  • io: stdio, process and file system access

Some functions are re-implemented:

  • Module imports has been redesigned. See Imports for more information.
  • Error handling functions (including error, assert and pcall) allows HTTP errors to be thrown. See Error Handling for more information.
  • getmetatable now only accepts tables as argument.
  • os.getenv: currently always return nil, will return environment variables specified in config file in the future.

For file system-related functions in io and os, you can use those in fs module instead. Note that APIs in fs differs from those counterparts.